Recently I released wrun, a CLI written in Go that executes commands on changes in the working directory. The approach used to monitor these changes was interacting with the Linux inotify API. In this post I'll give an overview of this API in Go using the package, which provides abstractions for Unix/Unix-like OSs primitives.


First, you create an inotify instance:

fd, err := unix.InotifyInit1(0)

The 0 represents the flags argument. This argument won't be covered here, but you can refer to the man page to read about it. fd is a file descriptor that we'll use to read events, but before doing that we need to specify what files/directories and what events we want to monitor.

wd, err := unix.InotifyAddWatch(

This code means that we're monitoring the working directory for 6 events. As the name suggests, each time unix.InotifyAddWatch() is called a watch is added to the instance, and this watch has an identifier called watch descriptor (wd). The wd can be used to remove a watch by calling unix.InotifyRmWatch().

Here are some commands and what events they trigger:

touch a.txt         # [IN_CREATE, IN_CLOSE_WRITE]
touch b.txt         # [IN_CREATE, IN_CLOSE_WRITE]
touch c.txt         # [IN_CREATE, IN_CLOSE_WRITE]
mkdir dir           # IN_CREATE
rm a.txt            # IN_DELETE
echo cc > c.txt     # IN_CLOSE_WRITE
mv b.txt dir        # IN_MOVED_FROM
touch dir/d.txt
rm -r dir           # IN_DELETE
mv c.txt a.txt      # [IN_MOVED_FROM, IN_MOVED_TO]
mv $(pwd) ../dir2   # IN_MOVE_SELF
cd ../dir2
touch e.txt         # [IN_CREATE, IN_CLOSE_WRITE]

When monitoring a directory, inotify doesn't monitor it recursively. If you want this behaviour, you have to add each subdirectory to the instance. Also, inotify is inode-based, which means that you can change the location of the file/directory passed to unix.InotifyAddWatch() and it'll continue to be monitored.

When it comes to renaming/moving a file/directory, there are three events:

  • IN_MOVE_SELF: emitted when the file/directory being monitored is renamed/moved.
  • IN_MOVED_FROM: emitted in the old parent directory of a file/directory that has been renamed/moved.
  • IN_MOVED_TO: emitted in the new parent directory of a file/directory that has been renamed/moved.

So, if you intend to match IN_MOVED_FROM with IN_MOVED_TO events, you have to take into account that there may not be an IN_MOVED_TO event. This will happen if the file/directory was moved to a directory that isn't monitored. One of the solutions for this is to create a timer (e.g. time.After()). If an IN_MOVED_TO isn't emitted until this timer expires, consider the file/directory to have been moved to a location not being monitored. Lastly, since these events could be nonsequential, each of them has a cookie value that relates them.

Reading events

Events are read by calling the unix.Read() function with the instance's fd. Besides requiring a file descriptor, this function also requires a buffer to store the events.

var buff [unix.SizeofInotifyEvent + unix.NAME_MAX + 1]byte

n, err := unix.Read(fd, buff[:])

The unix.SizeofInotifyEvent is the size of the inotify_event C struct, the type that represents an event. The unix.NAME_MAX + 1 part is related to this struct having a flexible array member. A field of this type is located at the end of the struct, has a dynamic size and is ignored when calculating the size of the struct (unix.SizeofInotifyEvent). That's the field that represents the name of a file/directory. unix.NAME_MAX represents the max length for the name of a file/directory, and the + 1 is to account for the fact that this constant doesn't include the trailing NULL character of a C string. Therefore, this size guarantees that the buffer will be able to store at least one event.

Now, we need to take the bytes in buff and convert them to one or more unix.InotifyEvent, which is the equivalent of inotify_event. The problem with this conversion is the endianness value. In Go, there's not a standard way to get the processor's endianness, and this value is required so that the bytes can be interpreted correctly, since all number fields in the struct are uint32. This problem leaves us with two options: use the encoding/binary package and find a way to get the processor's endianness, or ignore Go's type system and use the address of buff[0] as the address of an unix.InotifyEvent.

Let's first remember that endianness is how the bytes of a number are ordered. There are two orders: big-endian, which starts with the most significant byte and ends with the least significant, and little-endian, which is the reverse. For instance, 0x123456 in big-endian is 12 34 56 and in little-endian is 56 34 12. One way to find the processor's endianness is by checking how a uint16 number is stored in memory.

func getEndianness() binary.ByteOrder {
	n := uint16(1)
	firstByte := *((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&n)))

	if firstByte == 1 {
		return binary.LittleEndian

	return binary.BigEndian

Now that there's a way to get the processor's endianness, the encoding/binary package can be used.

var e unix.InotifyEvent


The second option is less verbose and relies on getting the address of the first item in buff and converting it to the address of an unix.InotifyEvent. That way we won't need to worry about the processor's endianess.

e := (*unix.InotifyEvent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buff[0]))

The name

If you see the definition of unix.InotifyEvent, you'll notice there's not a field for the name of the file/directory that triggered the event when monitoring a directory, but there's a name field in the original C struct (inotify_event). So, we'll try to create our own struct to handle this case and see how it will play out.

The struct will have the same layout as unix.InotifyEvent, but with the addition of a Name field at the end. We just need to decide what type Name will have. The field in the original struct has the type []char, which represents a flexible array member. An array of char ending with NULL is how a string is represented in C, which is different than Go. In Go, a string is represented by a pointer to its data and its length.

String representation in C and Go
Representation of "abc" in C and Go

If we choose the string type, we won't be able to use the second approach for reading events because memory layouts between the C and Go structs will be different. The first approach won't work either. binary.Read() doesn't accept a pointer to a struct with a variable-size field as its third argument.

The other type that makes sense is []byte, but it won't work with either approach for the same reasons as the string type. The only type left is an array. An array of byte has the same representation as []char and a fixed size, but the problem with a fixed size is that the name of a file/directory doesn't have one. So, we should continue using unix.InotifyEvent and find another way to get the name.

There's a field in unix.InotifyEvent that tells us the length of the name (Len). We can use the value of this field to take a slice of buff and convert it to a string.

name := string(buff[unix.SizeofInotifyEvent:unix.SizeofInotifyEvent+e.Len])

Yeah, it's not so verbose. I just wanted to demonstrate why there's no Name field in unix.InotifyEvent.

NULL characters

There's still one thing left to do regarding the name: trim trailing NULL characters. There's always at least one NULL character because of it being a C string, but there could be more in order to guarantee alignment requirements for the next items in the buffer. Even though the previous examples assumed the buffer would contain only one event, it doesn't mean it can't have more.

nameBs := buff[unix.SizeofInotifyEvent : unix.SizeofInotifyEvent+e.Len]
name := string(bytes.TrimRight(nameBs, "\x00"))

Full example

package main

import (


func main() {
	fd, err := unix.InotifyInit1(0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("err: %v\n", err)
	defer unix.Close(fd)

	_, err = unix.InotifyAddWatch(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("err: %v\n", err)

	var buff [(unix.SizeofInotifyEvent + unix.NAME_MAX + 1) * 20]byte

	for {
		offset := 0
		n, err := unix.Read(fd, buff[:])
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("err: %v\n", err)

		for offset < n {
			e := (*unix.InotifyEvent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buff[offset]))

			nameBs := buff[offset+unix.SizeofInotifyEvent : offset+unix.SizeofInotifyEvent+int(e.Len)]
			name := string(bytes.TrimRight(nameBs, "\x00"))
			if len(name) > 0 && e.Mask&unix.IN_ISDIR == unix.IN_ISDIR {
				name += " (dir)"

			switch {
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_CREATE == unix.IN_CREATE:
				fmt.Printf("CREATE %v\n", name)
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_DELETE == unix.IN_DELETE:
				fmt.Printf("DELETE %v\n", name)
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_CLOSE_WRITE == unix.IN_CLOSE_WRITE:
				fmt.Printf("CLOSE_WRITE %v\n", name)
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_MOVED_TO == unix.IN_MOVED_TO:
				fmt.Printf("IN_MOVED_TO [%v] %v\n", e.Cookie, name)
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_MOVED_FROM == unix.IN_MOVED_FROM:
				fmt.Printf("IN_MOVED_FROM [%v] %v\n", e.Cookie, name)
			case e.Mask&unix.IN_MOVE_SELF == unix.IN_MOVE_SELF:
				fmt.Printf("IN_MOVE_SELF %v\n", name)

			offset += int(unix.SizeofInotifyEvent + e.Len)


Here's a list of links that I used as reference and/or extend what I said about some concepts: